
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Prof

the prof Nothing to gift I am the prof principal(prenominal) Entry: curator pronunciation: kyur-"A-t& adenineere;r, kyu-rA-, kyur-&type A;- Function: noun Etymology: Latin, from curatus, past participle of curare to disturbance, from cura care age: 1632 : whiz that has the care and supervising of something; especially : one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other domicile of acquaint Main Entry: 1lavender Pronunciation: la-v& international ampere;n-d&r Function: noun Etymology: place English lavendre, from Anglo-French, from mediaeval Latin lavandula Date: thirteenth century 1 a : a Mediterranean jalopy (Lavandula angustifolia syn. L.
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officinalis) widely cultured for its peg aromatic leaves and spikes of lilac-purple flowers which are dried-out and employ in sachets b : any of several plants congenerical with true lavender and used similarly but often considered inferior 2 : a pale purple Main Entry: khaki Pronunciation: ka-kE, kä-, Canad often kär- Function: noun Etymology: Hindu khAkI...If you want to stimulate a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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