
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Art Compare And Contrast

AuthorProfessorSubjectDateComparison and ContrastThe Steles of Hammurabi and Naramsin are both of Akkadian origins . They film been found in Susa , Iran which is non in the boundaries of Mesopotamia . While the Stele of Naramsin is do kayoed of sound limestone which do not yield uncomplicated to cutters , the Hammurabi stela is forge out black diorite , a o.k. grained stone . It easily yields to the sculptor yet it is proven to be hard and clear large to last whatever typeface of destruction . as salutary , unlike the stele of Naramsin , which depicts the success of Naramsin against the mountain people , the stele of Hammurabi has inscriptions . These inscriptions talk of the code of laws passed by the gods to Hammurabi . It shows that Hammurabi is of equal footing with the gods . This ground is overly found in Naramsin s stele .
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