
Thursday, June 27, 2013

El Greco and his style of art

DOMENIKOS THEOTOCOPOULOS (EL GRECO) 1541-1614 Domenikos Theotokopoulos was the last and perhaps the superior mannerist of altogether time. Born on the island of Crete, Domenikos Theotokopoulos acquired the name El Greco, the Greek, in Italy and Spain. He was first machinate in the Venetian give lessons by an unknown Cretanian cr after(prenominal) still laming(a) under the knotted tradition. After working as an icon painter, he go away Crete in 1568 to analyze western-style painting in Venice. There he was influenced by the Venetian artists Titian and Tintoretto, embracing their rich illusions and free, unelaborated manner of painting. such early Venetian paintings as his deliveryman Healing the invention while (figure 1) demonstrate his cigaretimilation of Titianesque color and of Tintorettos figural compositions and purpose of productive spatial recesses. Further Italian inspiration came during the historic gunpoint El Greco spent in Rome, from 1570 to 1576 where Michelangelo had developed a raw style c everyed mannerism in which realistic views of the physical homosexual beings were looked down upon in choose of a more natural view, one that existed not in nature but in the intellect. Space was com press outed, colors were bizarre, and figures became protracted and were intert promoteed in complex poses. Mannerism, from the Italian word for style, was highly self-aware and artificial, emphasizing the artists ability. Its intellectual ass appealed to El Greco. The sculptural qualities of the work of Michelangelo also inspired him.
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A study of Roman architecture reinforced the stability of his compositions, which a lot include views of Roman Renaissance buildings. In Rome he met some(prenominal) Spaniards associated with the church in Toledo, who whitethorn have persuaded him to come to Spain on with the fact that he failed to win major commissions in Rome. In 1576 he left Italy and, after a brief interference in Malta, arrived in Toledo in the spring of... this is like all that i was looking for, in a short form, without press release over the clear and interpreting the different pieces of info. Great, at least(prenominal) thats my opinion. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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