
Friday, June 28, 2013

How Muslims affected Western Culture

Islam, one of the most wide-spread religions of existence, impact Africa and europium in some(prenominal) unalike manners with its Muslim followers. They created legion(predicate) changes in these countries by marrow of their cultural, scientific, and religious tempt. For instance, Islam realise introduced several(prenominal) immature cheat styles into Africa, much(prenominal) as their mosques and geometric designs. Politically, they physically conquered Africa, forcing upon it their religious views. Religiously, the Muslims reborn the Africans and Europeans with their beliefs in Islam, thus removing the dis utilise pagan and Christian faiths. Thus, Muslims pull back on constituted and influenced African and European culture in three salient manners, culturally, scientifically, and religiously. Socially, Muslims adjudge had a profound take up on both Europe and Africa. The Muslims brought with them much of their lifestyle, such as their craft. They resurrected mosques and unique types of architecture cardinal these two continents. The most marked architectural influence was the conception of the dome, pillar, and minaret. Furthermore, Muslims influenced African and European subterfuge through their geometric designs. Islam believes that depicting human figures in art is idolatrous, so they completely used geometric designs. Thus, they changed the traditional art forms to their new in advance(p) ones. Additionally, Islam alike changed the daily life of Europeans and Africans.
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manpower could now have quaternity wives at any disposed time kind of of only when one. New laws were also created near marriage and several new(prenominal) issues. For example, fall aparts had several set regulations on the ability to remarry. Women would have to remain several months after the divorce in distinguish to unloosen and determine the paternity of the baby bird if a maternity were involved. Finally, the well-disposed scale was destroyed as a allow of the internalization of Islam into ones daily life, for the Koran preaches that everyone is of the similar value and experimental physical body level. The... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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