
Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Money, or the lack of it, was the only cause of the French Revolution." How accurate is that Statement?

Money or the lack of it was not the only capture of the truncated Revolution. It was one of the causes that in the end race to the Revolution. One cause that led to the form was the peasants. They were procureting tired of being heavily taxed by the crown head and the nobility and withal the church. Taxation was too disorderly and compound especially when goods travelled to early(a) regions of France. The main burdens of the tax revenue were borne by the classes least fitting to support which was basically to the highest degree of the peasants. in addition out-of-pocket to a poor harvesting season in 1788, the hurt of bread and many other foods went up by 50% .This made them even more than frightening. Another cause was that the exponent who was desperate for money couldnt tax the nobility. intimately of the revenue-gathering refine was in the workforce of the nobility who were exempt from taxation. The aristocracy were getting richer sequence the king was getting poorer. Another cause of the french revolution was the point that the tertiary Estate broke absent from the Estates-general and proclaimed itself the National Assembly. They equal the workers and to a fault were influenced by a very(prenominal) influential group of french philosophers. Out came new ideas of what a society should be and how it should be run. There was increasing pauperization of liberation from the absolutism of aristocracy, from the perform and the restrictions of the feudal system. People began to accept in these ideas.
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Another cause was that the Etats-Generaux (States-general), the aggregation of the 3 estates did nothing. They were supposed to reconcile the whole dry land but this only existed as a memory since the stopping point time they were called upon was in 1614. All these causes eventually led to what we call the french revolution. good, informative essay. It certainly could be expanded on, but you definetley realise upon some key elements that vie a part in the start of the revoloution. If you want to get a full essay, social club it on our website: Orderessay

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