
Thursday, September 26, 2013

"A Cage of Butterflies" Brian Caswell - Socio-Cultural Assumptions and Values presented in the book

In the novel ?A Cage of providedterflies?, author Brian Caswell raises a act of socio-cultural values and self-reliances. He does this through his characters? thoughts and dialogue as he guides the reader through the story of seven adolescents, deuce five-year-old adults and the ?Babies? that they all love. This group of battalion live or act as at ?the farm? ? a place for young large number with high IQ?s. Greg, Mikki and the other children be having an O.K. life at the farm, where they can all fit in despite their differences. that what about the five younger ?Babies?? With the help of Susan and Erik, two employees at the farm, the mystery soon unfolds to reveal a presentation of humanitys gentleman cruelty. This essay will address three of the socio-cultural values and conjectures that Caswell raises in the novel. These will be:The assumption that sameness is encouraged and differences be disapprove in today?s society, whether they atomic number 18 disabilities or extraordinary abilities. The ethics of human experimentation,And the powerlessness of children. The first socio-cultural assumption to be addressed in this essay is that differences are disapprove in our society, and that sameness is encouraged. Caswell?s beliefs about this point level through in the novel when Greg and Mikki are discussing how difficult the super-intelligent Babies? lives inwrought have been.
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??we only had to deal with people?s ordinary, perfunctory prejudices. ?Don?t be too clever.? ? ?Don?t walk around on crutches dragging your legs behind you and engagement me feel uncomfortable.? ?Be normal. Be the same as me.?? (pg 117) Caswell seems to regard that people i n today?s society are not accustomed to diff! erences and would prefer everyone to be the same in order for themselves to be ?comfortable?. However, when Greg says this, he is not truly quoting people, more so their thoughts, which... If you want to get a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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