
Monday, September 30, 2013

Gods Attributes

beau ideals Attributes God?s Attributes Our God is a God of few attributes. He is perfect in many ways, all of his goof-proof attributes prove this. In this report I allow font at 3 of the many attributes of God, eternality, holiness, and love. God is eternal. Eternal promoter: without beginning or end, existing outside of time; lasting, timeless, endless. This means that God is infinite, he has no limitation of time. God?s Eternality is proven in Exodus 3:14, ?? I AM WHO I AM.? This reference is God describing himself as limitless, by verbal expression ?I AM? He is meaning was and everlastingly will be.
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Another reference which proves God?s Eternality is sing 90:2, ?Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the state and world, sluice from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.? Eternality is proved throughout the Bible, God shows us his timelessness in that the torments of the lost are eer and the rewards of the deliver are forever. God?s eternality is Practical to us because i...If you indispensableness to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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