
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hampshire Castle- a short story about medieval times in england

Hampshire Castle Between tall, snowy mountains and a slow river stands the mud of a fortification. These argon the remains of Hampshire castle. Now just a crumbling viewpoint for tv camera lenses, the castle was once a glorious sight over the surrounding countryside.         In chivalric measure, the castle walls stood strong and proud. thither were no signs of neglect or decay. The stables were all-inclusivey stocked with fantabulous chargers, ready for battle. Knights could be seen, practicing there skills in the vast courtyard. The possessor and head of this castle was lenify Ran, king of the neighborhood on which Hampshire castle stood. He had chosen this place to build his castle, for it was as ambush- proof as it mayhap could be. The mountains behind were treacherous to be given through and Ran controlled the tho if two bridges for miles along the river. When Rans castle was finished, he was genuinely pleased and called it Hampshire castle after the cultivated land it was on.          captain Ran was a firm but fair leader, with the co-occurrence of his people. handle all kings though, Lord Ran had an enemy. Lord Stere, king of a attached realm, was jealous of Lord Rans dominion. Lord Ran ruled a realm of luscious grassland, crops never failed and the people were faithful to their king. Lord Steres landed estate on the other hand was a dry, dim place, plot of ground the people did not care for their king and through with(p) as little as possible to get by.
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more times the two realms had battled and every time Lord Ran had won because the subjection of his people.         Lord Rans son, Prince He ctor, was much like his father. Although Hec! tors mother, Alure, had died giving cause to her only son, Hector had been raised well and was very loaded to his father. The oral communication flow well,the story is interesting,I could not stop reading.The introduction of this pithy story was full of imagery.Very good,indeed. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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