
Saturday, September 28, 2013


1.         The Purpose Of The attempt: - 44mm Galvanised - 57mm aluminium - 67mm sloven - 7mm Galvanised ·         I go forth be measuring the deflection of the 4 types of materials and sightedness how oft it would hold on it with incubuss. And excessively I volition be scuffing, piling, creasing, scratching, indentation, and seeing the alterations in the colour in and flexibility. ·         The reason why we be preforming the test is to learn the strength of the materials and toughness of the materials. 2.The Materials use In Testing: -44mm Galvanised - atomic number 13 - crap -7mm Galvanised Galvanised Steel Rusts easily in repress airmanship and gradu eachy wears a manner, or eats. To prevent this corrosion, it may be c everyplace with a layer of another metal that does not eat up. surface is champion such metal. coat steel with zinc is called Galvanising. It is utilise for coating such things as wire -netting, buckets, storage tanks, and structures. Steel writing of ass also be Galvanised in other ways. One way is to spray the steel with molten zinc. Another way is to vex it in a container with zinc ?dust. Copper Copper is one of our most useful metals. It is also one of the few metals that atomic number 50 be found in metal form in nature. But most Copper comes from ores mined deep in the ground. Copper has an Attractive reddish-orange colour. It can easily be thrash into thin sheets and complicated shapes and drawn into wire. It also does not deplete (wear away) quickly when exposed to the air. Aluminium Aluminium is a peculiarly valuable metal because it is so light. It is much lighter than steel, and cozy to of its alloys atomic number 18 as strong as steel. Aluminium and its alloys are consequently widely used in railway carriages, ships, and aeroplanes where agility and strength are needed. Also Aluminium does not corrode (wear away) when exposed to the a ir. 3.A Description Of The Test social fu! nction: ·         My partner Rikki and I got all of our 4 metals and ruler and a clamp a role of timber and some weights. We were apply our first piece of metal and accordingly set it 130mm over the adjoin of the table. We clamped the wood down by putting the piece of wood on top of the metal near the edge of the table and then put the clamp on the top of wood and at a lower place the table. And then we put a half kg weight on the top of it and if it didnt fall off we added to a greater intent until it pious platitude take no more weights. so we measured how off the beaten track(predicate) down it deflected from the ground. 4.A Record Of The Observations And Results Of The Test ·         In this test we cut that the 7mm galvanise held the most weights therefore it is the strongest and the aluminium held the least and it was the weakest. The 67mm Copper was very weak aswell unless it still held let on 2kg, 1kg more then the Alum inium.         1 kg         2kg         3 kg         4kg         4½ kg .7mm Galvanise         806mm         805mm         804mm         803mm         799mm . 67mm Copper         805mm         799mm         -         -         - .
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44mm Galvanise         799mm         -         -         -         - .57mm Aluminium         801mm         -         -         -         - ·         In this test we found! start that 7mm Galvanise is once over again the strongest and the toughest when it comes to scratching, centre punch, eluding and turn of eventsing, but when it comes to alter it burns a mountain through it. The Weakest was the Aluminium it was easy to scratch, centre punch, cut, bend and also heating it would melt it. The Copper was the strongest in heating because all it did was change colour and the 44mm Galvanise would also change colour but would burn a hole though it as well.         Scratching         Centre punch         Cutting          digression          thawing .7mm Galvanise          strong         3 excises          actually demanding          real Hard         Burns .67mm Copper          loose         2 Hits         Hard         Easy         Changes Colour .44mm Ga lvanise         Easy         1 Hit Easily         Easy         Easy         Burns, Changes Colour to park .57mm Aluminium         Easy         1 Hit Easily         Very Easy         Easy         Burns Through If you want to give out a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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