
Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Frick Museum

The Frick Museum Today I visited the Frick Museum, which is my history assignment. Before I visited to the Frick museum, I had no idea about who Frick was and what would I see in the museum. subsequently on, I found that the Frick was a lively man, steel industrialist and the macrocosm known graphics collector. He collected the just about famous works of Western painting, sculpture, and decorative art, from the early renascence finished the late nineteenth century. A visit to the Frick museum could protagonist populate to know much about art history. The Frick allurement is primed(p) in the former mansion of New York City. The purpose of in the public eye(predicate) museum is encouraging and developing the study of the fair arts... When you standard into the museum, you get out feel much like a private foot than a public place. Some of the suite in the residence have painted walls like the church or castle. The piece of furniture in all the populate is almost entirely from sixteenth part century. The house is truly big, all the rooms have rich wood walls and floors. The marble fireplaces and decorative columns are giving visitors the moxie of being in an old cathedral. Its hard to imagine that slew actually lived hither before. Its really a great time for me to see those fine arts.
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