
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Is Cabinet Government Dead?

Is Cabinet Government Dead? Cabinet government is a system of government in which executive power is surd in the locker, which is made up of heads of government departments, who exercise bodily responsibility. Traditionally, in spite of appearance government the Prime Minister is primus inter pares or first among equals which reinsures the situation that he is a minister, not a president, of which slightly Prime Ministers may seem to appear. The cabinet fulfils some functions, these may throw away changed overtime but the pattern functions admit making policy decisions. Overtime, the role of the cabinet may endure increasingly been seen to be less and this may have changed peoples learning on the system of government utilise in the UK. The fact that a Prime Minister can recondite parliamentary proceedings gives him/her great power, and this has been linked to the concept of an elective despotism. Prime Minister potential has occurred in new-fashioned years , with the leadership styles of Thatcher and Blair being of particular significance. Blair as prime minister functiond bilateral meetings with ministers, to discuss important policy decisions. This direct to dominance over the cabinet and Blair being seen more as a President than a Prime Minister.
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During his time, Blair didnt let in the cabinet into policy decisions as much as preceding leaders. This resulted in an increase in the centralisation of power within the executive. An simulation includes the declaration of war with Iraq, before this decision was made, Blair didnt benefit consent from the cabinet, which shows the power he exercised. Blair also favoured the use of special(pr enominal) advisors over his cabinet which le! ssened the role of the cabinet. Both Blair and Thatcher were popular, and this popularity allowed them to rule the executive and make cabinet government look bug out of work. Both Prime Ministers had mandates from the electorate which allowed them to achieve parliamentary majorities. This then(prenominal) enabled them to submit how...If you want to get a full essay, rig it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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