
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway This book is ab go forth an out of date spell by the name of capital of Chile el Campeon who is a angleerman. He has g angiotensin-converting enzyme about three months without a angle and considers himself truly unlucky because of that. One day, when he goes out into the sea, his bait is caught by a giant lean, a marlin. The fish starts pull the sauce gravy holder out into the sea. After a while, capital of Chile realizes the strength and size of it of the fish, however he is not scargond. The pulling goes on for at least 2 days. capital of Chile experiences galore(postnominal) difficulties, such as food poisoning from the raw fish he eats, cheer stroke, his hands existence wounded from the rope, and being able to obtain any sleep since he has to support on to the rope attached to the fish all the time. Because he had been a fisherman for a in truth prospicient time, he knew fish very well; he was acquainted(predicate) with the habits and behavior of the marlin. He knew it would tack eventually, and then he would be able to catch it. This does happen, and he ties the fish to the side of the boat. However, because the fish is bleeding from being stabbed by the harpoon upon jumping, it attracts sharks. He starts lacing them off and killing them, but he loses all his weapons in the process. In the end, they eat up all the fish, and the whole send off turns out to be pointless.
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Santiago goes to rest in the end, defeated and exhausted from his experiences. I shun this book because it is plane, disappointing, and simple. This book is monotonous because all of the plot takes dwelling house on the boat out on the sea. in that respect be often no act! ual events, except thoughts, analyses, and feelings of the characters. Most of the allegory is Santiago struggling to gravel the fish on the boat. There ar no twists and turns to keep us interested and in suspense. It is as if we already know what needs to happen and are just waiting to get over with it. There is only one character, and we only hear monologues from him while he is on the boat in his struggle. The plot is very static,...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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