
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What Is America to Me

What is the States to me? America is diverse, hardworking, go forful country of inspirations. Everything started with a conceive of that turned into an idea and became a reality. Those dreams ar the foundation of America. Everything we scoop up is because someone else worked hard for it, our rights, our put uply hood, and our families. Its important ideals and principles that cook this nation we call home, ideals and principles continue to shape the way we subsist and view our lives, and will for years to come. Ideals and principles form countries, cultures, and belief systems. The about important American ideal to me is our declaration. Our declaration gave all Americans wish in a time of grief and loss. Every treat in our declaration had a purpose, I believe it was non nevertheless to inspire but to make Americans angry and salutary of fury, passable to defeat the British. Americans were inspired and turned our declaration into a organization that gave us right s we could only imagine, like the ordinal and ordinal amendment. The fifteenth amendment states that The right of citizens of the united states shall not be denied or reduce by the unite States or by some(prenominal)(prenominal) state, on news report of race, color, or pervious condition of servitude.
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This promoter that no weigh your color or race if you are a citizen of the United States you take a shit rights and you are allowed those rights. This amendment means so much to me because it allows my parents to vote, even though they werent born here. It allows my family to make a say in the path America follows. The nineteenth amendment states The right of citizens of the Unit ed States to vote shall not be denied or abr! idged by the United States or by any(prenominal) state on account to sex. When I turn 18 it is my right to vote and because of this amendment I will. I think its extremely important for everyone to be heard men and women; it is as well a privilege to be able to vote. America is granting immunity to me. Everyone here has it good, you dont hear on the intelligence activity about a tyrant...If you want to reward a respectable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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