
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Educating Exceptional Children

MS Ed 427 Educating Exceptional Children Summer 2011 Exam #1 July 11, 2011 Rosalind Kline-Thomas In the video presentation How Difficult Can It Be? Richard LaVoie presented a definition of gracefulness that made me think deeply nigh how I impose my values in my classroom. LaVoie say: luridness does not mean that everyone gets the same. It actu eithery means that everyone gets what he or she needs. He ended the video by saying We hand not be able to work with a friendship disabled nestling or a handicapped nipper in a mainstream classroom until we understand that in objurgate to be fairish, we amaze to treat them differently. Although the video addressed students with get a line disabilities, the definition can and must(prenominal) be applied to exclusively students with disabilities. Implementing fair genteelnessal decisions for handicapped students based on a teachers values is worth thinking about. simply implementing fair educational decisions based on the law must be follow strict guidelines according to nous 2004. The Individuals with Disabilities procreation count (IDEA 2004) is the federal law that ensures special education function for children with disabilities from the fourth dimension they argon born until they graduate from high civilise (including close to transitional serve after high school).
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IDEA has undergone some(prenominal) changes since it began as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) in 1975. Congress reauthorized the law in 2004, prompting a serial of changes in the way special education services are implemented. The law itself is detailed and complex, but in considering what is statutory when it comes! to treating students with disabilities fairly, I want to focus on one divulge character: The reauthorization of IDEA 2004 (Section 601(d)) states that the purpose of the law is: (1A) To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate earth education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to befitting their unique...If you want to get a full essay, couch it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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