
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Laurie Halse Anderson

Laurie Halse Anderson is a famous writer, who is mainly writing for teenagers and kids. She wrote many books, and certain many awards for them. For her plots she?s tried to understand the hard come up of teenagers, and sometimes kids to help them, by showing the problems and the way they return deal with them in her books. Like many famous people, she has a rather interesting life that is reflected in her books in a literary way. This essay is going to talk about her life, her family, and her work. Laurie Halse Anderson was raw(a) on October 23, 1961 in Potsdam, a place in Yankee New York State. She was the daughter of Rev. Frank Halse and Joyce Holcomb Halse, and had a sister named Lisa. She was born(p) Laurie Beth Halse. Her back up grade teacher taught her writing during a haiku lesson. She enunciate every(prenominal) the time. historical fiction was her favourite when she was little, and as a teenager she love science fiction and fantasy. She was awful at math, bad at chemistry, and so-so in biology. Well, this does not cogitate that anybody good in literature and bad in only other subjects allow for become famous writers one day. besides this was exactly Laurie?s case. Let?s see how it happened to her. disrespect the haiku, Laurie didn?t ring she would be a writer, but a doctor.
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