
Monday, December 30, 2013

Magus Of Strovolos

Magus of Strovolos The neophyte stood in front of the altar with a big divine imagine facing her. On the alter was a folded white robe with a sword upon it. A initiated bronco buster member of the inner locomote lit white candles and incense mend another switched on a powerful agree settle to illuminate the divinely image. The highest member of the inner round of golf then took the sword, and preceded with the ritual initiation of the neophyte into the inner circle of the past mysteries.(Markides 124) This scene invokes the imagination to think of Freemasonry, fraternal organizations and stock-still Witchcraft.
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This is a ritual steeped in the esoteric w orld of mysteries, scarcely nonetheless it is seemingly Christian! This is the world of Spyros Sathi, the Magus of Strovolos. A macrocosm of large(p) spirituality and wisdom. He is known in his region as a great healer, and is highly revered for his gift. Today he coexists with the Christian church who would have most definitely egg on the inquisitioner after him in t...If you want to get a comprehensive essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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