
Monday, December 30, 2013

Why might women be somewhat more likely to have posttraumatic stress disorder than men?

Traumatic stress dis lay come ons result from peerlesss inability to wangle with psychologically tragic types and their repercussions. These life-threatening events would be traumatic for anyone, precisely those with posttraumatic stress disorder set about prolonged symptoms vigorous after the conclusion of the initial traumatic event. They relive the event in their minds, avoid situations that they associate with the trauma, sour emotionally uninvolved (psychic numbness or dissociation) and let hyper-arousal, including an exaggerated bulge response and difficulty sleeping. Women suffer from PTSD at a higher rate than men, even assault veterans, with approximately ii women meeting the diagnostic criteria for any one man. Because the threat of dying or disabling injury creates the trigger off for PTSD, it must(prenominal) be that women rent a greater likelihood for picture show to these dangers. The high incidence of child molestation, coddle, and spousal curs e perpetrated upon women leads to this potently positive correlation between sex and PTSD. Studies turn out that one in eight women is the victim of a cozy assault at some time in her life. stay fresh fairly recently have courts and legislators begun to criminalize, prosecute and punish married rapists. Men argon most likely to be the attackers and bilk is a crime of power assertion. By definition, then, the victims are superfluous either physically or psychologically to resist. Rapists are predators who fate out the powerless.
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The prosecution of rape cases often calls into question all facet of the victims private life, with the defense counter-accusing her of promiscuity . Because this process necessitates relivin! g the experience, it in addition contributes to PTSD. The worlds many armed conflicts over the years have except exacerbated the situation by creating an additional pool of voltage victims abroad. Women are generally noncombatants, thus unarmed and often defenseless, depending on their countrymen and the rules of warfare to protect them from abuse. If you want to get a rich essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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