
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Corruption Through Materialism

Corruption Through Materialism The American dream is an impulsion that has been present since American literatures onset. Typically the dreamer aspires to rise from rags to riches, while cumulating such things as love, high status, wealth, and originator on their way to the top. The dream has had variations throughout different date periods, although it is generally based on ideas of freedom, self-reliance, and desire for something greater. In the sometime(prenominal) century, the American dream has increasingly focused on literal items as an indication of attaining success. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is a successful earth who started out with no money, only a political program for achieving his dream. He is so blinded by his luxurious possessions that he does not see that money cannot buy love or happiness. Fitzgerald demonstrates how a dream can become corrupted by ones focus on acquiring wealth, power and expensive things. The Buchanans live in the wealthy and highly exclusive vitamin E Egg of Long Island, which is the location that Gatsby probably desires. The green luminousness at the end of the Buchanans dock symbolizes Gatsbys radiancy for wealth and power; it also embodies Daisy as the object of Gatsbys desire. An obvious interpretation of the uninfected is that the green represents money. The green change shape can also represent envy. The fact that the green illumination can be seen across the bay, minute and far away, from Gatsbys mansion symbolizes that it-Daisy or wealth- is out of his reach, even though he can still see a glimpse of it. Gatsbys lapse in judgment is in not realizing that daisy represents duette material success and the corruption that wealth can bring. Although she appears to be full of sweetness, she is self-centered and cold. Daisy is careless with peoples lives; she lets Gatsby hump the blame for her unintentional manslaughter of Myrtle Wilson. Her careless actions eventually amount of mone y in Gatsbys death, of which she shows no co! ncern. None of this matters to Gatsby though, Daisy has been...If you want to bond a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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