
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Homelessness in Corpus Christi

Texas has the third largest unsettled population in the country turn tail to Census 2000. The only two pronounces ahead of Texas are raw York and California (J-Quad and Associates, 2005). A home little person is described as a person who ?lacks a fixed, regular, equal to(predicate) night-time residence, or has a primary residence that is a shelter or an institution, or a place that is not ordinarily used for quiescence? (Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, 1987). A survey in 1999 by the Texas Intragency Council for the Homeless reported that an estimated 200,000 people were homeless in the res publica of Texas. That is approximately 1 pct of the total population of Texas. A homeless survey in lead Christi, in 2004, revealed that 39 percent of the homeless population was continuingally homeless. A chronically homeless person, as defined by the Department of lodging and Urban Development (HUD), is ?an unaccompanied individual with a weaken condition who has e ither been continuoulsly homeless for more than one year, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past haul years? (J-Quad &type A; Associates, 2005). Lack of affordable housing, stingy income, and unequal services were all reported as reasons for chronic homelessness. Factors that establish to chronic homelessness are inadequate discharge planning and migration (J-Quad & Associates, 2005). In the 2000 Census, more than 12 percent of the households in Corpus Christi reported making less than $10,000 dollars per year. More than 65 percent of the people reporting $10,000 dollars per year or less give 30 percent or more of their income for housing, as in rent or mortgage payments (J-Quad & Associates, 2005). myopic discarge planning for persons leaving corretional failities and nursing homes and the mentally handicaped lead to a lot of the homeless population in Corpus Christi. Lack of adequate services... If you indirect request to get a full essay, ! erect it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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