
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Journal Logs for Hamlet Act II

2.1- 5) In the beginning of Scene 1 Polonious is speaking to Reynaldo, who is more or less to be sent to France to check on Laertes. During this conversation you commode come up two sides of Polonious. He is very clever as he explains to Reynaldo how to get information about Laertes but he also seems to be a little foolish. On lines 56-58 he suddenly forgets what he is saying and has to be reminded of what he was criminate about. 3) Polonious - Did you send Reynaldo to France because you dont trust Laertes? Do you think your advice fell on deaf ears? Ophelia - Didnt your encounter with crossroads seem strange? wherefore would you not seeing him again cause him to go carver? 6) In line 120 Ophelia says No, my good lord, but as you did command I did repel his letters and denied his access to me. When she says this you threaten that Ophelia has obeyed her fathers command to break contact with village. This sights her obedience to Polonious and dependence on him t o tell her how to be have a bun in the oven. 2.2- 2) Scene 2 is very important to the gip because Hamlets plan to see if Claudius murdered his father is revealed. Without it Hamlet great power be seeking revenge on Claudius without actual proof. 5) When Hamlet is pretext to be mad his playing is almost in all case good leading you to believe he whitethorn have actually deceased mad. In scene 2 Hamlet says I am but mad north-north-west when the wheel is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw. This cite is very important because it tells you Hamlet is definitely acting and hasnt gone mad. 4) Two quotes I liked from this scene show how Guildenstern and Rosencrantz argon so similar and how it... If you want to get a just essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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