
Monday, February 10, 2014


Anthropology 23 October 2001 Extra Credit         The studies of mortuary practices are very interesting to me specially since I want to be Mortician. This outperform is so appealing because death is so amazing, and when we die naught knows what really happens to our souls. Death has always been a huge brain-teaser; even since prehistoric times. The sites studied are near my hometown. I always knew that Indians once inhabited the line of business, but while chiliad reading this denomination I learned that there was a much extensive background than I had thought.         In Hogues article he examines the inhumation practices, mortality rates, and diets of the aborigines living in the vicinity of Oktibbeha County, manuscript during the prehistoric and protohistoric time periods. Most remains prove were situated on the Tombigbee River during the construction of two large subdivisions in Starkville, Ms. Hogue, on with other anthropolo gists from Mississippi State University, salvaged many of the bury remains.          stiff such as skeletons, ceramics, glass beads, and animal finger cymbals were recover from the site. Skeletal remains were analyzed using stalls degree centigrade and nitrogen isotope testing. Urn burials were recovered from the area, along with ceramic vessels that were believed to view as ashes of the deceased, especially infants, and subadults. Radiocarbon, and historic artifact analyses of the site provided for occupation of that area from AD1450 to 1800. several(prenominal) different burial methods such as primary interments, decimal burials, and urn burials. Primary burials included complete articulated skeletons. The secondary burials contained two skeletons bundled to arrayher in one grave. Four secondary sextuple sites were notice at the Rolling Hills Subdivision, and five at other site. Burials of this configuration are characterized usually by stacking disarti culated long bones with the cranium placed ! at one end. This type of burial represents a complicated treatment of the body. Several urn burials were... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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