
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Challenging Students Is Definitely A Challenge

Challenging Students is Definitely a Challenge Lack of penury is a problem which affects many students, and as Margaret Clifford (2007) suggests in her writings, it is non unsloped a problem for low-achievers. Many children despite their donnish intrepidity do not finish their Junior senior game or high indoctrinate educations, which Clifford labels “educational suicide”(p.218). This is an apt(predicate) rendering of the consequences of early educational termination. This is a topic in which I sustain personal encounters. Thorough out my crop course I was taught primarily by teachers whose main agenda was to physical exertion facts into our heads. This was not really a problem for me until it seemed that I already knew much of the stuff that they were teaching me. I came from a very nomadic family, jumping from civilize district to condition district. from each one district had their own curriculum, there was no standardization, and therefore, I was fundamentally re-learning the same things. Eventually, we stayed put long enough for me to be tested and put into a G.A.T.E program. I continued as a G.A.T.E student all the way up until I was a senior in high school, when I at closing gave up. Despite my complaints to various teachers, nothing was organism done to struggle me. Clifford notes,” Intrinsic motivation… deteriorates when external constraints…are accentuated” (p.219). In my produce each teacher focused on the masses, they assumed that since I was a straight A student that I would be satisfied with what they offered. I was not. At that point I was so very close to graduation, yet I left school to go out into the real world which consisted of a scanty wage job and a teenage pregnancy. I adjudge what it feels like to be in a class and swallow a teacher talk at me all day. It is not fun. Even being a pregnant teenager was favourite(a) to being a drone. I was satisfied with my decis ion because it offered a challenge. It was a! decision which has not yet stopped ambitious me.If you pauperization to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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