
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Child Abuse, "Violent Times"

In viewing Justins story in importunate Times it was easy to ensure that young mans distress at his tumultuous childhood. Mirroring his p arents violent interactions with one an diametric(prenominal), Justin became physically and verbally violent with his peers. He began having trouble in chequer and even developed his give drug habit to consort those of his develop and father. The inconsistent level of care and nurturing he arrogant as a child, his parents violent relationship with one near other and their substance abuse problems are all potentiating factors for the transmission of intergenerational abuse. Cicchetti and Valentino (2006) indicated that analyse regarding the intergenerational transmission of ruinment has consistently supported the notion that individuals with a fib of maltreatment are more likely to maltreat their own children (p. 139). Justin watched his parents get into physical and verbal fights. He sawing machine his mother and fathe r abuse substances. He was even defeat so badly by his father that he had to be interpreted to the hospital with a severe concussion. Justin was fearful. He matte up like he had to walk on eggshells because his home biography sentence was so unpredictable. He felt like goose egg cared intimately him and so alone that he had suicidal ideations. Justin give tongue to he spent hours in his room, staying up at iniquity and exigent because he was so lonesome and afraid. But Justin has some qualities of resilience that may enable him to continue to turn his sprightliness around. Justin had the exponent to recognize that his family was different from other families. He saw a woman with a bright, lively face and cherished to see those qualities in his own mother. He described his parents as unhealthy. In another part of the interview, Justin said he reached issue to other families for support. Clearly those things demonstrate that Justin has some ability to control beyond his immediate circumstances t! o see that there are different possibilities for his life. And because he did not like...If you want to get a ample essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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