
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Food Tech

Food technology- assignment (pregnancy) power point Part A: exemplify in life cycle: Pregnancy- and characteristics. LOW burthen BIRTHS:  Includes whatever births with a weight at birth of low 2500 grams or under 5 pounds and 8 ounces.   CARE BEGAN premier TRIMESTER:  Includes each births to women who began receiving prenatal trouble during the first three months of pregnancy.   NO prenatal CARE:  Includes completely births to women who did not receive any(prenominal) prenatal care.   adequate PRENATAL CARE:  Includes completely births to women who sure fit or Adequate Plus prenatal care check to the sufficiency of antepartum Care Utilization great power (APNCU) which is alike know as the Kotelchuk Index of Prenatal Care.   slight THAN ADEQUATE PRENATAL CARE:  Includes every last(predicate) births to women who received negotiate or Inadequate prenatal care according to the Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index (APNCU) that is als o known as the Kotelchuk Index of Prenatal Care.   DELIVERED BY CAESAREAN region:  Includes all births that indicated delivery was by a Primary cesarian or by a Repeat C-Section.   stupefy smoke-dried DURING maternalism:  Includes all births to women who indicated they smoked cigarettes during pregnancy.   MOTHER OF HISPANIC occupation:  Includes all births to women who indicated they were of Hispanic origin.  Note that these women may be of any race.   MOTHER IS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE:  Includes all births to women who indicated they consummate 12 years of high school or who indicated they completed 1 or more years of college.   MEDICAID PAID FOR actors line:  Includes all births for which the main source of payment for the delivery was save on the birth certificate as Medicaid.     Specific alimentary requirements and reasons for theseIf you sine qua non to get a full essay, order it on our website: Order Essay.net

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