
Monday, February 3, 2014

Health Care Quality

The purpose of the following paper is to discuss various strategic failures in the health c ar industry. The American Hospital caller projects that there will be a projected 2% cut in Medicare programs which could possibly lead to the elimination of some(a) 195,000 jobs by 2021 (Elliott 2011). For some(prenominal)(prenominal) months a new bill has been circulate legislature which some(prenominal) medical professionals believe will do to a greater extent harm to the health care industry than good. With the waiver of this new law, insurance companies are projected to inherit more(prenominal) than 32 million patients (Sataloff 2012). The current medical system is bombarded with a commodious number of patients. In a recent con conducted indoors twelve Chicago communities results were astounding as it situated that deep down only that scope of the twelve communities there were more than 3000 patients for all ane doctor (Cottrell 2011). Dr. Kohar J unmatchables of the Chic ago Family Health nerve midpoint notes that regular patient appointments are usually booked several months in advance, as well as confirmed the accuracy of the patient-physician ratio (Cottrell 2011). As a logical thinker one could say it is safe to assume that there are many contributing factors to the seemingly rapidly failing healthcare system. It is too safe to presume that any organization that is serious play progressing to the next level will take the necessary cartridge clip clip to develop a strategic plan to avail in achieving this goal. According to Dworshak (2011) some of the reasons strategic plans fail are No clear goal in addition to creation well-defined, goals should also be easily measured, tracked, and beneficial to the organization. Unnecessary parentage 90& of managers are distracted or disengaged from key organisational objectives. Failed effectuation organizations simply fail to carry out prissy effectuation of their strategies. The organization I chose to discuss is a reven! ue resign charitable organization located in Rivertree City, which is a...If you take to produce a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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