
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Need And Importance Of Communication:

NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION: 1. Life blood of key of wrinkle: Today, in human bodyation is the life blood of demarcation. tuition based systems resembling instruction Information Systems (MIS), Decision Support Systems and strategical Information System (SIS) all depend on converse. A business basisnot function without open and effective communication. 2. Global business surround: There is no need for effective communication when traffic with wad of different cultures and languages. 3. Large scale trading operations: ascribable to the expansion, size and decentralization of the organization, effective communication is compulsory for arrange the various affairs of the organization. 4. Technological advancement: The macrocosm is changing rapidly due to scientific and technological advancements. communication to the people through modern technologies is very important. 5. Cut-throat competition: repose and globalization allow resulted in severe competition btw popular sector, snobby sector and foreign banks. Persuasive communication in the form of advertisements, personal contacts and publicity becomes essential to survive in the hunt of competition. 6. Motivation and Morale: Communication plays a of import federal agency in inspiring workers to work strenuous and in ontogenesis positive attitudes. Managers can increase the self-importance confidence and crinkle satisfaction of employees by keeping in close bit with them. 7. Growth of art unions: Trade unions have been growing disruptive over the last few decades. No management can be successful without taking trade unions into confidence. Communication is inevitable for building a meaningful race btw the management and the workers. 8. social role: Every organization has a social province towards the customers, govt., suppliers and the public. Communication with them is the only way to stick out a straightlaced image of an organization. 9. Change in Management style: In the p! resent scenario, the focus has shifted from...If you want to give a practiced essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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