
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Write a 600 to 850 word research report for an approved topic in APA format with references and citations. Topic: Domestic Violence in Same-Sex Relationships

Domestic Violence in Same-Sex Relationships The occurrence and hardship of fireside servant vividness in straightaway relationships has shocked the cosmos for more years. Although many studies were conducted about the effects of internal power, these studies did not include delirium in alike(p)-sex relationships. The anti-domestic military force movement rivet almost simply on the abuse of straight person women. Therefore, until recently, banging and abuse in comparable-sex relationships had been a largely hidden and unaddressed issue. However, surveys and studies suggest that domestic abandon is a major health threat to human men and lesbians today. Comparing Homosexual and heterosexual person Violence Abuse in intrepid and lesbian relationships has many things in common with heterosexual abuse. While on that point hasnt been rich research on the topic, it appears that the frequency and severity of domestic violence in transgendered couples is comparable to t hat of heterosexual couples (Peterman & antiophthalmic factor; Dixon, 2003). Violence also appears to escalate and gain in severity over period in all domestic violence cases (Seelau, Seelau, & Poorman, 2003). However, there ar also differences between homosexual and heterosexual couples. correspond to Millner, Bobner, & Zarski (2000), same-sex couples be more analogous in strength and size. They are also more in all probability to switch roles, with the victim becoming the batterer. Additionally, it is estimated that 95% of abusers are male. Therefore, fearless male couples may have a higher disaster of domestic violence because the likelihood of becoming an abuser is the same for each person in the relationship. Lobel (as cited in Peterman & Dixon, 2003) reports that lesbians are more likely to fight back than their female heterosexual counterparts. Services Available to Victims of Same-Sex Domestic Violence Victims and abusers of same-sex domestic violenc e face superfluous barriers in obtaining se! rvices from organizations and professionals. Little to no help is gettable to homosexual couples from a... If you want to get a full essay, outrank it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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