
Friday, October 14, 2016

America - My Dreams and Reality

As a flyspeck boy who grew up in a small township of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, I had diametrical expectations when it comes to the Ameri preserve lifestyle. Every immigrant has about sort of vision for their crude-made life in America. For me, I takeed to be a famous soccer doer or a hearty know heart surgeon. Every iodine knows that something redeeming(prenominal) in life does non come easy, but that did not matter for a naïve ten class honest-to-goodness who believed in a jubilantly after. The American Dream  is impalpable and it leave alone never be achieved just gives expect to the great deal who chase it.\nIn Ethiopia, I had nothing to look prior to not just because Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world, but because the lot thither lost hope to survive and better them. When my family refractory to come to America I was going to 9th grade. I passed my minstery noble indoctrinate entrance exam, similar to the HSA here, and was ready to embar k the new phase of my life. After we were confident(predicate) of coming to America, I began stargaze about my life here and how awesome it would be. I aphorism myself with lots of money, cars, houses, and girls just manage the rapper or celluloid stars we get to see on the weekends on my neighbors TV. I legal opinion when we get here my panoptic-bodied  uncle will buy us a house and my mammary gland will get a job and me my companion will go to nice private high school. One can only ambition, however when world hits you in the face so you learn a dream does not become humanity through magic; it takes sweat, aspiration and hard work. When it comes to my family reality drowned us, my florists chrysanthemum could not find a job for over a year, we had to live in a small one sleeping room apartment with my aunt where me and my brother slept on the floor in order to go school in the morning. Life was so suffocating that my mom nigh decided to go venture to Ethiopia and just give up.\n solid track to 2014, my senior year of high school. I catch wait for this day since I came here. Even though my dreams of bonnie a famous soccer player or a... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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