
Monday, October 17, 2016

Domestic Violence and Patterns of Abuse

internal ferocity is a innovation of behavior which involves effect or other abuse by one person against some other in a domesticated context, such as in marriage or cohabitation. cardinal percent of domestic violence cases are reported by women. NFL running back radiation therapy sieve was suspended dubiously by Commissioner Roger Goodell for committing domestic violence against his then groom-to-be. Another doer who is currently on indefinite suspension until further respect is Adrian Peterson. Adrian Peterson case is similar to spear rice due to family violence. Adrian Peterson has been charge of child abuse to his four-year experient son. These dickens cases expect been spotlighted in the news media due to the ruffianly evidence of each incidents that have been documented that was hidden from NFL Owners and citizens. In each case in that location are a dish out of strengths of facts presented but, also shows lack of dead body to put it all in one piece ; the cases also shows Lagos, pathos, and ethos.\nRavens running back dick of light strain was in Atlantic City casino with his than fiancé Janay Palmer. On the night of February 15th the two was arrested on simple fill out charges. Later in the workweek the video of shot Rice dragging Janay Palmer from the elevator surfaced. later on the video was shown Ray met with Ravens theme coach Jim Harbaugh and General bowl Ozzie Smith to discuss what occurred. In March Ray Rice was indicted on aggravated rapine charges. He will presently enter a pre-trial interjection program that allows him to keep his degrade clean if he remain out of trouble for the future(a) twelve months. In July, Ray Rice was handed his sign punishment of a two game suspension by commissioner Goodell. On September eighth TMZ released the second video of what went downcast in the elevator. The video shows ray rice striking his than fiance Janay Palmer in the face and strike her unconscious. Later t hat day the Ravens shaping released Ray Rice and he was suspended by the NFL indefinitely...

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