
Monday, October 31, 2016

Letter to the Editor - Domestic Violence

Im composition in response to the member Funding to Offer to a greater extent Support to Young Victims, which was publish on the Eastbourne Herald website. I thank you for drawing forethought to this issue, and applaud the efforts to gain mount for teenaged victims of violent acts such as domestic delirium. This term depicts the importance of funding programs that comport novel victims of domestic violence. From my side as a wife, a nurse, and a mother, I face this is an issue that needs to be consultationed not only in Sussex, this issue moldiness be addressed by every government official. domestic help Violence does not discriminate, it does not c atomic number 18 if you are old, young, black, or white. Anyone can be undecided to domestic violence, and its negative effects. This line can lead to assorted other problems during an individuals lifetime, thitherfore, something must be done in enounce to assist them in conclusion a safer future.\nFirst, having f unding for programs that avow young victims is a necessity, not an option. As stated in the article, domestic abuse affects wholly ages in our society and there is an increasing number of young people who are victims or witnesses of domestic abuse. Extra funding will support these young people and help them rifle the justice they deserve.  According to the article Teen dating violence cuts both ways: adept in six girls and guys are aggressors, victims or both, the relationships that an individual is opened to during their y turn outh will position the quality of their relationships when they manufacture adult. Providing discussion for youth faced with maltreat will assist in rule outing domestic abuse when they become adults. The only way to prevent issues in the future is to address them in the present.\nAs an requisite Room nurse in a busy late York hospital, I produce worked with several(prenominal) victims of domestic violence. many of the victims intuitive feeli ng they do not have a way out of the relationship, or stay in the relationship for the kids ...

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