
Monday, January 2, 2017

King David\'s Successor: Solomon

Solomon is known as one of the wisest persons that has ever lived. He was the fourth son of David and Bath-sheba (2 Samuel 12:24, NIV). According to Bromiley (1995), The name Solomon  is derived from the theme meaning ˜to be quiet or ˜peaceful and fit him very easily due to his unlikely intentions for struggle or conflict  (p. 565, throw and Meaning). Solomons give, David, which is the son of Jesse, was a successful fag who had created an empire from the leeway of Egypt to the Euphrates River (Halley, 2014, p. 216).\nInfluenced by his father and mother, Solomon would pass on access to the best pedagogics possible and was appointed teachers from his earlier childhood years (Strong & McClintock, 1880, p. 862, former(a) Life). Solomon had spent most of his jr. years in seclusion. It was until David take down on his deathbed that Solomon had made his startle appearance in public. notwithstanding though Solomon was not in line for the succession of the joined Kingdom of Israel, he was elect by David to be world power. paragon had approved to be Davids replacement (1 Kings 1:13, NIV). At the bloodline of his reign, Solomon showed his Love for the Lord by walking according to the operating instructions given him by his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and ruin incense on the graduate(prenominal) places  (1 Kings 3:3, NIV). In Gibeon, before long after Solomon is appointed as king, God appears to him in a dream in which he invites Solomon to make a pass on for himself (1 Kings 3:1-5, NIV). Solomon asked God for light to govern his people and that had delighted God, therefore He rewarded Solomon with wealthiness and honor (1 Kings 3:10-12, NIV). This do to God shows a long amount of humility of Solomon to evening ask for wisdom from God. Solomon hold he had a weakness and inability to be king of such a whacking empire.\nSolomon reigned over Jerusalem of Israel for twoscore years (1 Kings 11:42, NIV). He is considered the most successful king in the history of Israel. ... If you demand to get a amply essay, order it on our website:

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