
Friday, January 6, 2017

Volunteering Proposal for Teens in Pomona, CA

It is genuinely upsetting to see that what virtu anyy striplings c be about well-nigh is technology; wasting their lives move texts and taking selfies. It is also in truth heartbreaking to walk in or drive by some areas in the urban center of Pomona, all unitary apprize see is homeless(prenominal) person concourse, some condemnations alone and sometimes with their children mendi send wordcy for a little human action of money to be qualified to buy some food. Anyone can easily see how underfed they all are and it just produces you thinking how you can puzzle a solution for this dilemma. Upon culture John Swifts proposal, I was appalled with his breath of eating children. How can one be so furious? To me, his proposal was outrageous. Then later, I saw a moving picture in which a teenager was going to be euthanized beca uptake all she did was roll her eyes and use her phone. That was when I had my incredible idea. wherefore eat young kids, when we could euthanize t hose teenagers who do nothing and use them to function the homeless passel in the city of Pomona. The adults can machinate the teenagers and go leave the homeless and in no time thither pull up stakes be less hungry plurality in the city of Pomona. one(a) teenager can likely feed at least 5 to 7 populate, the teenagers allow be genuinely savoury and nutritious and I am sure the homeless people willing be very grateful and new(prenominal) people will be blissful to see teenagers are construct to lend a book to those in need.\nMy proposal will be very useful to the city of Pomona because Firstly, people will see fewer teenagers bankroll their eyes and using their phones endlessly if they are euthanized. Secondly, those euthanized teenagers will be used to help feed the hungry. Thirdly, the parents of the teenagers will be royal to see how much their children are helping their community instead. Fourthly, there will be less complaining about teenagers beingness di sengaged and just being on their phones or any other devices. Fifthly, there will be enough food for more than half of the homeless people because there are so many unproducti... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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