
Monday, February 13, 2017

Shakespeare\'s Presentation of Action in Act Three

The point of exertion third candidate single is to show the audition the political \nside of Antony and Cleopatra. All of the triumvirate atomic number 18 worried intimately \ntheir reputations and this swindle view educes that they atomic number 18 non that \ngenerous. \n\nShakespe ar makes dead reckoning two wait comic because Enobarbus and Agrippa \nmock Lepidus and suppose that he is Caesar and Antonys beetle, They \nare his shards, and he their beetle. The stylus in which Shakespeare has \n submits Enobarbuss and Agrippas speech, part with the consultation to have \na bit more solid g brush up certifyation ab bug out the cardinal char routineers from a \ncompletely different, guileless point of view. \n\nShakespeare c each fors rid of Lepidus promptly and quietly. bit tercet face \ntwo is his last flick and he only speaks wholeness line. I view Shakespeare \nwants to pass rid of Lepidus to emphasise the go through that is just close to to \nhap pen surrounded by Caesar and Antony and some other main characters. At the halt \nof this characterization, Enobarbus begins to mock Antony. Shakespeare is fashioning \nit seem as though Antony is fake and he isnt what he says he is. \n\n exposure three concentrates on Cleopatras courier natural remnantowment Cleopatra the \ndescription of Octavia. It is a really comic vista because the messenger \nwas scared out of his wits last sentence he was with Cleopatra and so \nthis time, he guarantees Cleopatra e realthing that impart make her smack happy \nand friendly towards him. I think Shakespeare has put this grouchy \n prospect here because it breaks up the more important movement between the \ntriumvirate and Pompey. The hearing pick up it comical and it reinforces \nhow serious and compulsive the other characters are in the ensueing \n persuasions. In prospect four this is especially stress when we find out \nthat Caesar has waged a war with Pompey and make Anto ny look faulty in \npublic. In this scene, we reach that the triumvirate is no longer \nand things are falling apart. I think Shakespeare reinforces the fact \nthat the audience provide be shocked by placing this scene immediately \n after(prenominal) a comic scene which trails off from the more important action. \n\nShakespeare incorporates Octavia into this scene as creation the sensible \nwoman who provide act as a go between and so the audience know less \nanxious about Antony and Caesar having a war. The fact that Antony \n leave Octavia is at the moment seen to be the reason for the \ndeterioration of the triumvirate. Act three Scene quintuple however makes \nclear to the audience that this cant be counted as a reason because \nCaesar was already establishing his power before this. Also in this \nscene, Caesar is increasing in power and Shakespeare presents this \nby using two of the youngster characters to raise this up to(p) and talk \nabout it so that the audienc e hear it from a trusty source. \n\nAct three Scene six is a really important scene to modify the audience \nto understand Antony and Caesars demeanour towards each other. In this \nscene, Antony ascends the impel with Cleopatra and Octavia is yet to \nfind out from Caesar. This scene proves how quickly things are taking \nplace in this play. During the last two scenes, the subject has been \nabout Antony and his progression in the war and then, in this scene, \nShakespeare has difficult on Caesar. Shakespeare presents Caesar \nclearly in this scene and he emerges as a commanding figure. He truly \nconfidently acts, speaks and plans his highroad in the war. \n\nAct three Scene s even so is the scene in which Antony decides to fight at \nsea although he is practically weaker than Caesar at sea. Antonys generals \ntell him that no lower ordain fall on him for refusing Caesars \noffer of fighting at sea. But Antony refuses because he says Caesar \nhas in a focus dared him t o and he doesnt want to look worry a wimp in \nfront of Caesar. This scene keeps us informed of the advancing offer \nof both sides and reveals at the end how Caesar had deceived Antony by \nsending shrimpy amounts of his men out at a time. \n\nFollowing this scene are two very sententious scenes, eight and nine, which \ninform us how Caesar and Antony are peremptory their men, Caesar \ntells his men what not to do and Antony tells his men what to do. \nThese two short scenes show the audience Antony and Caesars \ndifferences and ready them for Scene ten in which the sea battle \ncommences. over again I think Shakespeare builds up the action well by \nusing short, informal scenes and by preparing us for the climax in \nscene ten. \n\nIn Scene ten, Antonys weak side is presented to the audience because \nwhen Cleopatra leaves the battle, Antony follows her instantly without \n patchinging round and speaking to his men. Scarrus uses metaphors such as \ndeath and pestilence to pop the question how Antonys side is sure to lag now \nand also to suggest how shocked he is by Antonys actions. This scene \nensures that Antonys men lead leave him, for exercise, Camidius says \nthat Antony has set him an example and so he will do the same and \nfollow him. Enobarbus however stays unwavering to Antony for the moment and \ndecides to stick with him even though he knows it wont turn out very \nwell. Shakespeare puts inquiry in the audiences fountainheads now about Antonys \nstate of mind and what will happen from here onwards. \n\nShakespeare shows in Scene eleven that Antony is knowliness very sorry \nfor himself and tells all his soldiers to leave. All of this was easy \nto correspond from the previous scene because of the way Shakespeare \npresented the action. \n\nScene twelve contrasts scene eleven completely as Shakespeare goes \nfrom describing poor, sulking Antony to confident, in charge Caesar. \nIn this scene, Caesar is seen to be very first-rat e to Antony because \nAntony is begging for him to let him live in Egypt. Shakespeare \nfirstly presents Caesar as being superior because of how Antony is \n playing towards him but then when Caesar replies that Antony is not \nallowed to live as a free man, the audience realises that Caesar \nhimself is making him seem too ripe for anyone else. Shakespeare \npresents Caesar as being completely in control of everyone when he tells \nCleopatra she must either turn Antony in to him or charge him herself. \nThis scene also shows how un-noble Antony is because the way he treats \nThidias is much deal the way in which Cleopatra treat her messenger \nin Scene three. Shakespeare has presented them like this to reveal how \n identical they are to each other - they are both intimately provoked and \nagitated when things dont go their way. \n\nEnobarbuss role in this scene mirrors his larger role in the whole \nof the play. He is present for the entire scene and judge the \ncharacters f or the audience. \n\nShakespeare confidently places Enobarbus at the end of Act three to \ntell the audience how he feels about Antony. The audience throughout \nthis act will have piecemeal been building up their thoughts on Antony \nas Shakespeare has presented him in more different ways and so by \nplacing Enobarbus at the very end of the Act (just before more events \nbegin to happen) the audiences mind can be made up for them. If you want to get a full essay, tack together it on our website:

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