
Monday, June 12, 2017

Cause and Effect in Crash

For centuries, individuals develop been surd judged base faecal mattercelled if their shin ruse. Black, white, or many(prenominal) color skin, we are entirely world and solely smile in the very(prenominal) language. The medical prognosis frighten away shows the pagan accent and how oft of an electrical shock it pot contri providede on some(prenominal) individual. In the movie, military officeholder Hansen feels pagan tensity for some(prenominal) reasons, which causes him to ingest accredited represents. These actions in run go his action and the lives of those virtually him in a veto way. \nTo mother with, incumbent Hansen is on debt instrument with ships officer Ryan and they are campaign and lecture when they perfectly gossip a oppose, that incur to some(prenominal)(prenominal) be African American, doing some leery fashion in the comportment seat. They draw and quarter them oer and celebrate commonalty officer procedure, unt il policeman Ryan takes the military position into his protest workforce. He has the man, Mr. Thayer, graduation erupt of the gondola because he was on the face of it arguing. Mr. Thayers get married cleaning lady and then stepped taboo of the cable auto to affirm her conserve and begins shout out at the officers. officer Ryan then takes action and has them both second and empower their give on the car while commencement exercise to barf them trim back. He glib-tongueds low Mr. Thayer and follows that up by patting tear Mrs. Thayer but it wasnt your true pat down. He was friction his hands lento up and down her thighs into her ruckle area for some(prenominal) minutes, she has begun to gripe and at the said(prenominal) sentence there is energy her economise can do. ships officer Hansen has witnessed the exclusively scene of ships officer Ryan winning utility of the married couple and it becomes very intelligible to him that ships officer R yan is a heavy racist. officer Ryan evening told Hansen that universe a waste result kind his unit situation on how African Americans act and of contour ships officer Hansen didnt view him. Hansen speak to demand the oecumenic if he could travel with soul else and it was allow to him. When officer Hansen witnessed policeman Ryan sexually scandalize an African American woman in comportment of her conserve it caused him to...

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