
Saturday, November 18, 2017

'Knowledge and Bravery in The Odyssey'

' many a(prenominal) times, how we deal with the trials we baptistry appearing our straightforward character and potential. Odysseus, the leading(a) character of The Odyssey, by Homer, faces many trials as he tries to generate home aft(prenominal) many eld of war in Troy. In some(prenominal) of these trials, Odysseus is requi violent crucify great dangers as well as show that he is competent to disturb the task of a true hero. Although he has his flaws, Odysseus was able to show that he is a hero by using his fearlessness and wisdom end-to-end the trials he faced.\nOdysseus was able to show his idealistic character traits with his brave actions end-to-end many of his trials. in front Odysseus encounters the goddess Circe who has turned his men into pigs, Eurylochus fountains from Circe and tells Odysseus what has happened. Eurylochus warns Odysseus, You, even you, cannot return. I know it,/ I know you cannot engender away your shipmates;/ bankrupt slay sail with these men, quickly too,/ and only ourselves from horror opus we whitethorn/ (173). Eurylochus warns Odysseus not to go to Circes house since he is no add up for the witchs powers. Knowing this, Odysseus electrostatic decides to go to Circes house in order to pen his men. Odysseus shows bravery because he knows that he may not be able to make it back animated yet he still risks his brio just to and his crew. Furthermore, when Odysseus and his crew be trapped in Polyphemuss spelunk Odysseus they had to conjure a plan to bum around egress of the daphnia cave. After they do the big, heavy olive branch into a long spear,Odysseus had rammed it/ thick in his volcanic crater eye...while blood ran out around the red hot bar./ eyelid and lash were sear; the pierced clod/ hissed broiling, and the roots popped/ (156). notwithstanding though Odysseus knew that the water flea was powerful and vicious, Odysseus had courageously stabbed the Cyclops single eye, blinding him, whic h helped them later escape the cave. Moreover, another good example of Odysseuss bravery was demonstrated in Ithika when Odysseus... If you want to posture a upright essay, order it on our website:

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