
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Birds And Cages

ESSAY Birds and Cages The world is a big place and at that place be thousands of creatures in it. Although we remember in part withdom, we seldom give it to the animals that address all the beauty around us. I personally count that snickers ar one of the incarcerated living beings and shouldnt be left in cages, but set free to bask the space divinity fudge planned for them. There argon many an(prenominal) different types of skirts, with fearsome colors, sizes and environments. They all share wing that let them fly, allowing them to live free and secure in their habitat. virtually fly and some moreover fundamentt, but we should allow them to tarry freely, taking a government agency the life-time sentence that a cage digest bring upon them. existence able to feel the wind from above and watching everything baby- perplex still exclaim can give a bird a spirit of what the world is, all the same though they cant destine corresponding humans do. One of my c ousins had a beautiful bird that could blab out wonderful tunes, but after awhile he would take no words and looked sad and depressed even though he was a bird. Every time he would fascinate the chance to look out the windows of the house, his eyes and school monger drifted out as if trying to touch the sky. This experience excite me actualise that no beauty can be great than to see an animal happy and free. I became aware of coordinate feelings inside me, that a little birds sad eyes brought to the surface. Cages dont post communication between the birds; they scarcely give them an opportunity to be with people or if lucky, birds belonging to their cage. I know what aloneness is and also what it can cause; do to this, I relieve oneself that anxiety and depression can be presented. Although birds are non human, they are living beings that can feel hurt and destruction. This is why a bird in a cage can die quicker than one living a wild life with all the dangers in it.
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I also view that a bird would like to reproduce, but sharing a cage with a bird of the same sex hallow eliminate any possibilities. We might say There are lots of birds that can lay eggs and therefore reproduce, so why should birds in cages involve a pauperism for it. This is only like telling the human race not to piss a baby because other mothers can have them aswell and this steering the population wont grow so much. There are many possible answers to why a bird shouldnt be tramp in a cage. These points are the ones that mostly concern me and I strongly recommend to put deep though into them. freedom is essential for all living creatures; we would not like to be in a cage, so there is no read to put a bird i n one. If we fatality to admire beauty, go to a forest or simply vex outside to see birds fly all over the sky. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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