
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reality Conflict

This cant be it, it just cant I said to myself as I walked d aver the barren streets. I was unwilling to accept this verity; on that point must be something more. I had created my own reality, fastener my perceptions and view on reality until I came up with a world I liked. It worked for a while, I was the star topology in a movie and every peerless around me was an actor, each vie a separate part in my little production. I peered into the passing houses, stupefied at their willingness to play the game. Mindless bodies clump around the welcoming, torrid glow of the television. In a sense, T.V is energy short of a drug; something millions tune into each night to escape the stolid realities of their lives. The ultimate opiate for the masses. I was walking towards the border, for a reason I did not know. It just seemed right, and Im not one to question my impulses. The perfervid sea breeze felt sober on my raw skin. I could taste the moist savory air and it tasted grea t. The tactile property of nature, something not tainted by man. I arrived at the ocean, finding it deserted. record has nothing to vie with when everything you need comes from a box of lights in your living room.
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I walked down the beach and through a mirage of trees until I came to our beach. The beach my pals and I discovered that summer. Our own beach, lax from the outside world. I climbed up the meditation tower we had make a a couple of(prenominal) months earlier. Each week one of us would take a turn and sit up there for hours, just observation the waves crash. Filling our bodies with the drug meditation produces called happiness. I reached the end of... If you involve to get a ful! l essay, exhibition it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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