
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Define And Present Your Understanding Of The Europ

Define and present your understanding of the European term brotherly pedagogics, its origins, principles and value ungenerous. The main snap of the assignment is to steering on affectionate commandment and comparisons between our understanding of accessible Work in the UK and that of similar march by colleagues in neighbouring European countries. social pedagogy is hard to define as there are different definitions in different countries. It is a concept, or way of thinking, which is widely used in European countries such as Germany, Denmark and Sweden. Pedagogy is derived from the Greek word paidago-geo- in which paíd meaning child and ágo - means lead or larn; thus,pedagogy means to lead/ ascertain the child(Jenson & Krogh, 2003) Social pedagogy is based on humanitarian values stressing human dignity and mutual respect. It is underpinned by a fundamental concept of children, young people and adults as correspond human beings with rich and extraordinary pot ential and considers them competent, resourceful and nimble agents. Childrens Workforce Strategy (2005) describes neighborly pedagogy as: A concept whereby the child is seen as being a social being, with his or her own distinctive behaviour and knowledge, and where the social pedagogue (or children and young peoples professional) works near with the individual to enable them to develop their own potential. Although pedagogy is not a term vernacularly used in UK when describing work with children, young people and adult members of our communities, the value base of the UK Social Worker of social justice and building mutual, venerating and education relationships with service users already has much in common with that of the European Pedagogue. The first notion of pedagogy started in Greece where the pedagogues were slaves who had to be example teachers to the children. In 1844 the term social pedagogy is give dialect to to have been coined by Karl Mager, whilst Fri edrich Diesterweg (1866) is accredited with ! bringing the idea to a...If you unavoidableness to capture a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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