
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why Did Germany Go to War in 1914

Why did Germany go to war in 1914? There be many indicates as to why Germany went to war in 1914 much(prenominal) as fear of encirclement, various alliances formed, inwrought policies and domestic and soldiers factors. I personally think the most important reason was due to their internal politics. Germany was formed as a rustic in 1871 and so felt like they had to prove themselves as a ground to the rest of Europe. They did this through aggressive policies, which they hoped would action their objective and arm up their empire. In 1897 Germany introduced Weltpolitik (World policy). This was a armed services strategy and the aim of it was for Germany to be interpose a world top administrator and to create an empire to rival Britains. They tried to build up their empire but only managed to gain minor colonies, which offered fine gain to Germany and did little to assert their authority in Europe. They clashed with the brackish powers of Europe over territory like morocco, which ultimately distort Franco-Anglo relationships. Weltpolitik was a huge political risk and in the revoke the risks outweighed the positive factors, which resulted in the failure of the plan and ultimately was a great cause of WW1 In 1893 the Franco-Russian alliance was formed which meant that it allowed the extend of encirclement of Germany, which made them paranoid. The Kaiser at the time was Wilhelm II and he surrounded himself with military figures so had a very military point of view. So his response to the possible encirclement was to source up with a new plan called the Schliffen Plan. This stated that if a possibility of a two front war with France and Russia was endlessly to arise they would mobilise their troops quickly and beat the french within six weeks and then march back in time to meet the Russian army. They predicted it would take a cloud for Russia to mobilise due to its great size and limited perplex networks. The formation of the Ent entes of 1904 and 1907 also caused concern w! ithin Germany because...If you want to uprise a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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