
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ap Us History

Connor Stumm 21 May 2012 AP US History Exam: harbour witness 2 The joined States had both successes and failures in the regions of europium and East/ southeasterly Asia due to its containment constitution. During the period of 1945-1975, the country went through four presidents, individually owning his own opinions and ideals when it came to the containment policy and the refrigerated evince of war. Containment was the central post-war agreement amongst the US and its allies to withstand socialism at true laurel within the Soviet Union. The United States never fell into communism, so theres a success. With the creation of the United Nations and NATO, we conjugate efforts with various countries in the energize against communism, also a success. other(prenominal) successful point of containment was the doctrine proposed by President Truman that utter the United States would support each earth chthonian communist threats. The Marshall Plan (financial aid to pos t-war build in Europe), proposed by George Marshall, also influenced the success of containment in Europe. Cold War containment policy was aroundly a success in Europe, solely not so much in Asia. afterward the war, President Truman denied the Soviets any part in rebuilding japan, in an effort to keep communism out. We occupied Japan until 1952, but maintained a presence even later we left. Japan was a success. In 1950, however, communist North Korea invaded South Korea, do the Korean War to begin and US troops to be sent in through the UN. 55,000 United States troops were killed, and that most definitely is a failure on the part of containment. In khina, the United States worn out(p) very large amounts of money financial support the nationals against communist drawing card Mao Zedong, an effort that failed. In 1949, the Peoples commonwealth of China, a communist nation, was established. April of 1975 was another Southeast Asian failure, when the communists under leader H o Chi Minh took over Vietnam and re-created ! a communist state. Over the ply of those thirty years after WWII, The United States...If you want to run low a full essay, influence it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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