
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Da Stuff

CLASS SCHEDULE (October 15- November 9) The following schedule is tentative. Assignments may be added, altered, or omitted all together. I will give you tatterdemalion notice if any changes do occur. Absence from class when such(prenominal) changes atomic number 18 announced is not a valid assuage to be unaware of those changes, so have sure you are checking in with me if you are absence or talk to a fellow classmate. * Denotes OC discussion post |hebdomad |Day |Class practise |Due/Reminders |Homework/Readings | |hebdomad 9 |Oct 16 (T) |literary Analyses |*Norton, pgs. 143-152, pgs. |Norton, pgs. 352-366 | | | | |787-796, and pgs. 799-800 | | | | | | | | | | | |*Discussion post payable to OC by | | | | | |class | | | |Oct 18 (R) |Reading strategies and more |Norton, pgs. 352-366 |Norton, pgs. 428-476 | | | | compend! | | ! | | | | |Proposals due to class | lay out analyzing your text/ vitrine | |Week 10 |Oct 23 (T) |MLA |Norton, pgs. 428-476 |Norton, pgs. 408-419 and pgs. 420-424 | | |Oct 25 (R) |Quoting, paraphrasing, avoiding |Norton, pgs. 408-419 and pgs. |Begin compose and...If you want to get a wide of the mark essay, severalize it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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