
Friday, February 7, 2014

Learning Through Lit

Karla Carreno Paper 3 Dr. Wegener October 26th, 2011 Learning Through writings Literature does a serve up to a greater consequence than to readers than quite a little think. It makes us question everything or so us, or makes us think close a legitimate fount of life that we have never thought to the highest degree.Karla Carreno2011-11-17T18:09:38Cant fill-in this because it assumes we larns/reads for fun. nix is universal or whatevs If you delve deep plenty into a work of literary works, you can learn a commode more than if you just read it for fun. If you analyze what you read you learn more than you possibly thought you could learn. Literature can instruct readers about separate heap as well, especi whollyy people of former(a) heathenishities and cultures. at that place are a lot of criticisms that say that multicultural publications should only focus on the good things about an ethnicality or culture. I do not agree with this. If multicultural lit erature only focuses on the positives of their culture, they ostracize themselves from former(a) cultures because thus oppositewise ethnicities think that that they think that their culture is superior to all other cultures.Karla Carreno2011-11-17T17:03:11reword Through the speech Aint I a fair arouse? by Sojourner Truth and the poem Let America be America Again by Langston Hughes, readers can see the struggles that antipathetic group of society face. By showing the struggles of other cultures and how people of other cultures see different problems, readers can be shown that other cultures go through the same or even worsened difficulties. This helps for people to be more understanding and appreciative of others ethnic backgrounds and cultures. In the 1800s, people started to speak up about women and African Americans gaining equal rights. One of these activists was Sojourner Truth. In the speech that she gave in 1851 called Aint I a Woman? expressed how she, as a pistil late African American, does not jerk off tr! eated as an equal. In her speech she said, That man over there says that women need to be...If you neediness to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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