
Thursday, February 6, 2014


The empirical formula of magnesium oxide Aim: To work light out the empirical formula of magnesium oxide. Apparatus: 1 x Electronic balance 1 x bunsen burner burner 1 x Crucible with palpebra 1 x Heatproof mat 1 x porcelain clay trilateral 1 x Tripod Box of matches Metal tongs 10cm strip of mention peachy magnesium ribbon Method: 1. Accurately meditate the crucible and lid. 2. entwine the magnesium ribbon into a big coil, past come into the crucible and reweigh. 3. Place the crucible on the pipeclay triangle and tripod. Use the bunsen burner to heat the crucible, light at first, and then progressively more strongly, with the lid c overing about three-quarters over the crucible top. 4. Continue heating for 5 minutes with the lid off. When the magnesium has burned, allow the crucible and make to cool completely. (If the contents appear grey, add 4 or 5 drops of pissing and reheat). 5. Cool and reweigh the crucible, lid and con tents. 6. Record your results. Results: 1. propose and record the cud of oxygen in the magnesium oxide: opthalmic sense magnesium = 2.39 g jackpot magnesium oxide = 3.78 g Therefore, mass of oxygen = 1.39 g 2. Calculate the mole place of magnesium to oxygen in the compound and hence even up the empirical formula of the compound: Number of moles per Mg = 2.39/24 = 0.0995 Number moles O = 1.39/16 = 0.0868 Divide by the smallest to array apart the ratio approximately 1 Mg: 1 O Questions: 1. Mass of magnesium oxide = 0.251g Mg: O 0.16: O.091 (Ar) 24.3 16 0.0066: 0.0057 0.0057 0.0057 ~ 1:1 MgO 2. 2mg(s) + O2(g) 2mgo (s) 3. Sources of error in our essay that whitethorn have affected our empirical formula calculations embarrass: * When we weighed our crucible and lid with the magnesium inside, it se emed to weigh a square 0.1 of a gram heavie! r than most students. This could have been that we did not clean it with the fabric provided. 4....If you want to get a full essay, stage it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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