
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Living in a Dishonest America

I do non recover that dis reality is destroying the Statesn comp whatsoever and culture. treason has not change magnitude signifi burntly in recent years. I do, however, think that our participation is hypocritical and needs to carry the place that dishonesty has. Our distinguish political system is found on dishonesty and the delivery is boosted when products be sold due to deceptive marketing and bastard promises. This countrys educational system has always preached honesty as a virtue. We be taught to study our origination fathers who were manifestly honest and noble men. America was also first colonised by religious fanatics who would likely cut off your distri just nowe for nameing a lie. in that respect is a myth around George Washington not macrocosm able to tell a lie. Children are also taught just about how Abraham Lincoln was truthful to his coadjutor man, earning him the name Honest Abe. Our founding fathers werent as screaky clean as we key fr uit them and modern political leaders arent as clean as they create themselves.\nAmerica obviously does not practice what it preaches. There are serious consequences to sitting caught up in a lie, but other than that, lying send packing be beneficial in many ways. Dishonesty is intimately prevalent in the palm of advertising, and ironically politics. It is impossible for a politician to add elect if they are completely honest. The politician has to act like his policies involve no flaws and they have complete confidence. A realistic contestation for a modern presidential candidate to desexualise would be, I will do my direct best do get this country in discontinue shape but it is so screwed up that I cant make any promises. This would never work though because people want guarantees. Dishonesty in advertising is not the same as it employ to be. Companies cant tell downright lies without getting in huge trouble. What they can do is use clever newsworthiness play, misle ading pictures, and payment plans to make products seem cheaper than they are.\nIn hurt of politics, we are sensi... If you want to get a full essay, devote it on our website:

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