
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Character Arnold in Dover Beach

Arnold in Dover Beach notes how the p declineles of the sea rolled by the sea-waves bring into the mind the unending note of sadness. Here he points out that in old-fashioned times Sophocles heard the same(p) threatening of the pebbles on the shore, and it reminded him of the ebb and flow of human misery. In his Antigone Sophocles expressed this thought. Now this poet hears the kick the bucket of this Dover Beach, and he finds in it the same thought. The poet explains the gradual pass of mans conviction in a disdainful and suggestive simile. He comp atomic number 18s combine in religion to a sea that surrounds the demesne.\nThe poet reminds the world in which there was full of assurance and manpower believed in religion. only now that religion is step by step passing away and mens minds are the like pebbles on the shore. The passing of faith causes the minds to be isolated in the b put together between judgement and disbelief. It is a sad tribulation state. When the poet hears the grating roar of pebbles of the sea, he is reminded of the melancholy, long, withdrawing roar of faith as it retreats from mens minds.\nThe lines from Dover Beach thrust bitter expression of Arnolds loss of faith, his growing pessimism. The world seemed to be strangely un factual, without anything real to cling to on grasp. It has variety, bang and freshness. But it is all imposture negation: there is in it neither love nor joy nor groundless nor peace. There is nothing certain(p) in it. Therefore he compares men struggling in the world with armies struggling on a plain at night. There is a sound of confused alarms and struggles, but the soldiers are ignorant as to what they are fighting for and why.\nDover Beach is one of Arnolds typical poems. It expresses frequently the escape of faith and certitude which was the master(prenominal) disease of the Victorian age. The commencement ceremony stanza opens with a calm, bright moony sea which reflects the serene, pe aceful, receptive wit of the poet. He calls upon his companion to piece of land the sweetness and tranqui... If you want to descend a full essay, order it on our website:

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